While I share a lot about my daily life and Arielle, I realize I’ve never written a post just about me, who I am and where I’m coming from. So let me re-introduce myself with a few facts you may not know about me.

I used to be a reporter, TV producer, and substitute news anchor in the Boston TV market.
And while there are days I miss being in the studio, especially at my first station which I loved (pictured above), I do not miss the lifestyle that I experienced at my last station. Weird hours, getting criticized by people I’ve never met on what I’m wearing or how I look, and having to sensationalize the tragedies others are dealing with is not what I signed up for. I wanted to inform people about the important issues, not to capitilize on others suffering or to be critiqued on my outfit choices.

I grew up where much of the Salem Witch Trials took place.
While Salem claims the title “Witch City,” Danvers, my hometown, is where many of the victims of the Witch Trials lived. Like any former goth girl, I am still obsessed with the whole ordeal. And though I am guilty of buying into the commercialization of Salem (when really, most of the women who were tried and murdered for witchcraft were actually condemned for being open-minded and forward-thinking) by going to Halloween events, I sometimes feel as if all of the celebration is actually dishonoring those who died. But I do appreciate how the city has become a place where those who don’t feel like they fit in can find a home and like-minded individuals.

I studied acting in NYC but ultimately discovered I liked writing about the theater more than acting in it.
As a student at Pace University, I found that acting was not all it was cracked up to be. While I had loved starring in high school and local community productions, I no longer felt like I belonged in the theater world. I enrolled in a writing class and one of our assignments was to attend a Broadway play and write a review on it. The professor not only gave me an A for the paper, she told me that I may want to consider a career in Arts & Entertainment writing. That’s how I made the jump to journalism.

A few more quick facts:
- I have been a pescetarian for 12 years.
- I am a huge Disney nerd.
- I am dyslexic and didn’t find out until I was 16 during my driver’s test.
- I could walk the streets of Quebec City blindfolded.
But enough about me, what about you? I want to know about you! Send me an email and tell me about yourself and what you love to do!

[…] 2021 and 2022 I shared a few fun facts about me to re-introduce myself to everyone. Since this is a new […]