No one tells you that the terrible twos make you feel as if you already have a teenager on your hands. Arielle is just so independent and confident, I think this is the biggest time of change that I’ve witnessed since she was born. I’ve been sharing updates on her new skills every few months (check out “Life with a 20-Month-Old,” “Life with an 18-Month-Old,” “Life with a One-Year-Old” and “Life with a 16-Month-Old”) and it’s just so mind-blowing how she is growing up so fast. Here are just a few magical developments that we’re enjoying as we learn to navigate life with a 2 and a half-year-old toddler.
Her Favorite Word is “My Turn” …
… And I have no idea where she learned it from but she uses it about a hundred times a day. My mom said that it is very reminiscent of when I would say, “Katy-Do.” She just wants to do everything on her own. From climbing up into her high chair to buckling herself into her car seat, to putting on her own clothes, she just does not want help. And as much as I want to encourage and foster this independence, it can be very difficult. All I can do is plan extra time for any excursion to make sure we can let her do her thing.

The Holidays are so much more Magical this year …
… For her and for us as well! Halloween was a hit (she still hasn’t gotten over it) and while Thanksgiving went a little over her head she definitely understands Christmas. Just the other day she was listing off all of her “chores” that she does that she plans to tell Santa. On that list? She brushes her teeth. She uses the potty. She washes her hands. She goes to bed. She feeds the kitties. She takes naps – a bald-faced lie. And when I told her that she can’t lie to Santa, all she did was let out this devilish little giggle. It took all of my self-control not to laugh out loud myself. She also is very proud that she has her very own Christmas tree in her room and a wreath on her door. It’s really the little things that make life so special and she reminds me of that every single day.

She’s a Born Entertainer …
…. And I am eating it up! She is constantly singing. Right now she loves to bust out “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” She’s pretty good with the words too. I’m not sure where she picked them up but it’s very impressive. She also loves being the center of attention and when we’re having conversations she is never afraid to make her opinion known.
Mickey Mouse is her favorite thing in the world …
… Seriously, she could watch episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Funhouse, Racers, etc. all day every day and it wouldn’t be enough for her. I think a trip to Disney World is in the near future for this little one. While I always thought I’d want to wait until she was older, I want her to meet the Mouse while she is still so enamored with him. We’re still very nervous about Covid, but as things develop we’ll have to look at planning a short trip to the happiest place on earth soon.

It has been an amazing 2 and a half years and I can’t even imagine what to expect over the next few months!

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