We’ve officially hit that point in the holiday season where my days are spent trying to finish up shopping and Christmas preparations and in the evenings I’m bouncing around making festive visits to family and friends. I consider these rituals to be amongst my favorite times of the year. Here are some of my favorite Christmas traditions.

Decorating the Tree
While I have always loved this tradition, this year may have been our best yet. For one thing, the tree went up the first week of November (#bloggerproblems). But what made it so special is that Arielle has fallen in love with our tree. It brings her no greater joy than to see it lit up every day. We’ve had to add ornaments because she is obsessed with collecting them. Now I don’t want to take it down!
Opening up our Advent Calendars
My mom got me a Harry & David Advent calendar this year and I love that daily treat of opening up the little numbered door and enjoying a delicious chocolate. Arielle has a Meri Meri advent calendar where every night she gets a new charm for her bracelet. She is thrilled! We’re also using it as an opportunity to help her recognize her numbers.

Watching Lots of Christmas Movies
What did people do before Hallmark movies? Seriously? Starting the day after Thanksgiving you’ll find me in my living room, nursing a cup of cocoa, tuned into Christmas movies either on one of the Hallmark stations or Netflix or Disney+ or Amazon Prime and that will go until at least the day after New Year’s. I’ve shared a list of my favorite holiday travel movies and where you can stream them!

Putting up the Nativity Scene
We always had a few nativity sets growing up. This year we put up one that my Uncle had gifted to Arielle last year for Christmas and she loves playing pretend with the little figurines. I’m trying to use them to teach her the story behind the holiday but I think she is just too enamored with the painted figures to get the picture yet.

Baking Cookies for Santa
By the time we finish the holidays, I am always five pounds heavier. It’s not only the most festive time, it’s also the most delicious time filled with lots of cookies and cakes and yummies. We always make cookies for Santa and I will not lie, without fail one or two of them makes their way into my stomach before the end of Christmas Eve.
What are your favorite holiday traditions?

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