Yesterday I had my 20-week ultrasound and this child is ready for his/her ((I think I know, and I was right with Arielle, but it’ll still be fun to officially find out) closeup! It is somewhat surreal to me that I am past the halfway mark and now on the downward slide towards my June due date. While we have pretty much everything we need, there is still so much to do and prepare for this baby’s arrival. So I thought it would be fun to share my to-do list and as I post updates here, I’ll share what I’ve crossed off (or added) to the list. Here we go (not necessarily in order):
- Get Arielle’s Big Girl Bed set up in her room
- Plan a Gender Reveal Get Together
- Find out if we’re having a Girl or a Boy
- Take the Bassinet down from the Attic and set it up in Our Room
- Clean up Arielle’s closet to make room for Baby Clothes
- Make room in the Dresser for Baby Onesies and Socks
- Get Baby Clothes down from the attic, washed and put away
- Make sure the Nursery is Sparkling
- Book a Maternity Session, Fresh 48, and Newborn Session
- Shop for Outfits for Photos and for Arielle’s “Big Sister” Wardrobe
- Buy a Baby Car Seat & Get it Installed
- Prep my Hospital Bag
Anything I’m forgetting?

[…] Arielle. I’ve been managing everyone’s schedule on top of still dealing with morning sickness (even at 21+ weeks) and the overall changes that come with being pregnant. I’m not exaggerating when I say the four […]