I know I’m not saying anything groundbreaking when I say that life with a one-year-old is a little crazy. So crazy, in fact, that she’s actually 14 months now. But it’s the best kind of crazy and I am loving every minute of it. Here are just a few awesome developments that we’re enjoying as we learn to navigate life with a one year old.
She’s walking …

… And running. I had to get her a backpack harness the other day because she went straight from teetering to zooming around our place. We spent the entire past weekend baby proofing because all she wants is her freedom.
She’s talking …

… Her first words at nine months old were “Ta-Da”. Now she’s got “bye”. Everyday I feel like her words are becoming more and more well-formed and I can understand her when we have our little conversations.
She’s also singing …
… She’s actually been doing this for a while but now she does it unprompted. If she hears the Sesame Street theme song, you can bet she is singing along.

She has her own opinions …
… And though it can make for some difficult moments, I love how independent and determined she is. Watching her walk where she wants to and speak up for herself is what makes it all worthwhile.

I’m so excited to see what the next few months bring.

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