I cannot believe our little girl is 16 months old! But what’s even more unbelievable is she’s now been in our lives for two years. Today was the day I found out I was pregnant with our beautiful daughter. When I woke up two years ago, I had no idea what life was going to be like with a healthy, busy baby girl. I had no clue how crazy, chaotic and amazing it would be! Here are just a few awesome developments that we’re enjoying as we learn to navigate life with a 16-month old.
She’s running …

… I thought she was quick when she was 14 months but now, she has taken off! She is full on running around and while she has taken a few spills, she is very surefooted. Her favorite places to run are on our town common and around our kitchen island.
She’s a gymnast …

… Not only is she running, she’s recently started to perform somersaults. And she’s been walking on her toes since the beginning. Perhaps she’s preparing for the balance beam?
We’re having conversations …

… Though she still only has a few words in her arsenal like “Mama”, “Dada”, “Ta Da”, “No” and “Bye”, she makes a lot of different noises. And between repetition and hearing her make similar noises in similar situations, I have actually come to understand these noises. I like to think I speak Toddler.
And she’s listening to me …

… With these conversations that we have, she’s also come to understand commands and requests. If you ask her to do something simple, such as hand over her cup or bring over an item, she will do it. However, if she’s in the middle of a tantrum, all bets are off.
It has been an amazing two years, from seeing that little plus sign to being able to walk down the street, holding her little hand. I just enjoy seeing all of these exciting steps and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next few months!

[…] sharing updates on her new skills every few months (check out “Life with a One-Year-Old” and “Life with a 16-Month-Old”) and I keep thinking it can’t get any better – but it does! Here are just a few […]