On Wednesday I had my 24-week appointment (if you’ve ever been pregnant, you’ll remember the disgusting too-sweet drink they make you ingest to check your blood-sugar levels at this particular appointment). I am so thrilled that we have just 16 weeks to go until my June due date. However, there is still so much to do – it’s a bit overwhelming! At 20 weeks I started sharing everything we need to take care of before June. Here’s what I’ve crossed off (or added in italics) to our list to prepare for our newest addition:
Get Arielle’s Big Girl Bed set up in her roomPlan a Gender Reveal Get TogetherLet our Pediatrician know we’re having a baby so we can get on her schedule- Find out if we’re having a Girl or a Boy – This weekend is when we’ll find out!
- Come up with Name Options
- Pick up a new Dresser at IKEA and get it installed in the Nursery
- Take the Bassinet down from the Attic and set it up in Our Room
- Clean up the Nursery Closet to make room for Baby Clothes
- Make room in the Dresser for Baby Onesies and Socks
- Get Baby Clothes down from the attic, washed and put away
- Make sure the Nursery is Sparkling
Book a Maternity Session, Fresh 48, and Newborn Session- Shop for Outfits for Photos and for Arielle’s “Big Sister” Wardrobe
- Buy a Baby Car Seat & Get it Installed
- Prep my Hospital Bag
I am sure I am forgetting something so if you have any advice, please DM me!

[…] fabulous family photographer), I will just say we are very excited to finally know. I recently hit 24 weeks pregnant and I’m feeling much better than I did during my first trimester though the heartburn is real. I […]