In January I got really honest about how I needed to change up my lifestyle and set some goals for myself. Then at the beginning of February I made a few adjustments to achieve those goals, and I made further changes in my March update. In my third check-in on my New Year’s Intentions for 2021, I’m sharing how I’m doing with these adjustments and how I am moving forward.

Setting Boundaries
I’ve been cramming in as much work as I can during the day so that I can have my mornings and evenings with my family. However, I’m still terrible about the weekends. The weekend before last I really outdid myself and the rest of the week I suffered from serious burnout and inturn got very little done. This month is going to be focused on keeping the laptop closed on the weekends and, instead, doing some household chores as well as enjoying some fun family time.
One Step at a Time
While the beginning of the month was much better in terms of sleep, the end of the month took a turn. Suddenly the nightmares that I had been experiencing in February were back. However, I felt like I was better able to deal with these issues by getting to bed earlier and, yes, taking a nap when I needed it. I am realizing more and more that getting healthy is all about listening to your body. I’ve applied that to my eating plan as well. March was the month that I got back on the healthy eating wagon and I’ve lost almost five pounds! In April I will be continuing to eat healthy, especially when it comes to snacks.

Get at Least Some Movement in Every Day
While I didn’t really get back to yoga this month as I had planned, I have been getting more and more movement into my routine. As the weather has been warming up, I’ve been taking daily walks with Miss Arielle and it is a part of my day that I really look forward to. This month I plan to renew my efforts to get back into yoga because I think that it will not only ease the tightness in my hips and to speed up my weight loss, but it will also help me get better sleep.
What I’m Looking Forward to This Month and Beyond
My mom just got her second Covid-19 vaccine and Alex is now eligible for his, making Arielle and me the only ones who need to wait a bit longer for our vaccines. I am definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This month I’m looking forward to Easter (even though we’re staying at home), getting in more time outside, and working on plans for Arielle’s birthday caravan.
How are you doing with your New Year’s Intentions or Goals?

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