Is it a boy? Is it a girl?
That’s what everyone has been asking us since they found out we are pregnant with bébé #2.
Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and we finally know what we are having. I could have found out right after 10 weeks but I’ve shared my thoughts on that here.
When we did our gender reveal with Arielle, we had a cake with pink frosting in the center to let us in on what we were having. But this time, we wanted Arielle to be involved.
So I asked Stephanie of Sukeban Creative to create a special box for us to open. I sent her a few directions and she pulled my vision to life. If we were having a boy, the box would house two Mickey Mouse stuffed animals, one for Arielle and one for this new baby that she would give to him when she gets to meet him in the hospital. If it was a girl, it would be two Minnie Mouse stuffed animals in the box.
Then I contacted my favorite family photographer, Isabella Fagone, and she agreed not only to take pictures of our gender reveal, but host our families for a small soirée as well. The photos came out amazing (as always) and she is the perfect hostess as everyone really enjoyed gathering together to witness the big moment!
Want to find out what we’re having? Watch below for our reveal!

Now you know …
It’s a GIRL!
As I said, Isabella captured some wonderful photos so I would be remiss if I didn’t include a few here.

With Arielle, I will not lie that I was hoping that she was a girl because I have always wanted a girl and for those 20 weeks that we had to wait to find out, I was convinced she was a girl. This time I was also convinced I was having a girl. However, I swear that I would have been thrilled to have a boy. I even had a boy’s name picked out, just in case.
But I will admit that seeing those pink balloons inside the box, I could feel tears coming to my eyes, as well as validation that my “mother’s intuition” had been right. It felt so good to know that I was so intune with my body.

To be honest, I don’t think Arielle really understood what was going on. She was just so excited to be able to play with a box full of balloons in her favorite color. Now that we’ve had a week and a half to really explain it to her, she’s finally getting the idea and she cannot wait to share her “baby clothes” with her baby sister.

And of course, what party would be complete without cake? My mom had found these vintage Mickey and Minnie ceramic figurines on Etsy to put on top and they fit the “theme” perfectly.

My mom is always such a big help with Arielle and we are so lucky that she’s around to help us out with our next petite fille now! If you can’t tell, she was #teamgirl in her pink but I know she would have also loved a little boy. She had given Arielle her special crown that she wore for the photos.

We were also thrilled to have my Nunny, Arielle Marie’s namesake (Nunny is named Marie) at the big reveal. She will be 102 in June, right after bébé #2 is due. She gifted us a slew of vintage baby shoes that my Aunt Betty had made when she worked for the Ideal Baby Shoe, an iconic shoe company that no longer exists. We lost my Aunt Betty in 2008 when she was 93 years old. She and I had always had a special bond, so this gift was extra meaningful.

This has to be my favorite photo from the moment. I look so excited (I was and still am), Arielle looks like her happy little self with her new Minnie doll and the one to gift to her baby sister, and Alex looks so pleased. He really is a girl dad.
Thank you all so much for all of your messages of love and support as we go on this journey to expand our family. I cannot wait to share more updates with you on my pregnancy, as well as when our second little girl arrives!
For more details on our gender reveal party, check out my Highlight over on Instagram.

[…] be ending our spring with a bang. Just like 2019, we’ll be wrapping up the season by welcoming a little girl into the family. This will be just in time for us to enjoy our summer as a family of four. I cannot wait to take […]