It’s been another strange and scary year. So while I’d love to share a message of excitement and celebration, I realize that for many this is not a celebratory time. I have more hope for our future, but I still have to recognize that is has been a tough year for so many between lives and jobs lost.
While we all were expecting that this year everything would go back to normal, I think we are realizing that we have to adjust to a “new normal.” For us, that new normal does including gathering with family, but our celebrations will be much more scaled back and we will be practicing social distancing because our little one is not old enough to be vaccinated.
As I see it, our focus for 2022 should be about being kind to one another. Between kindness and taking the necessary precautions and actions against spreading COVID, we’ll get through this. And maybe if we do that, next year we’ll be a few more steps closer to “normal.”
Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

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