I’ve been a bad travel blogger. I am currently 27 weeks along and I have no babymoon planned for this pregnancy. While I know it’s probably too late to get anything elaborate on our schedules, I’m hopeful that we’ll have the opportunity to at least take a weekend of rest and relaxation close to home. In the meantime, here are my tips for how to plan a babymoon.
Timing is Everything
For most, the best time to take a babymoon is during the second trimester of your pregnancy, between 13 to 27 weeks. At this point it should still be easy to move around because your belly is not yet too big and morning sickness has subsided. For me, my morning sickness didn’t stop until about the 24 week mark, so if you have been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, like me, this is something to consider.
Keep Your Doctor Informed of your Plans
Even when I’m just taking a short weekend trip to work, if it’s more than an hour or so away from Boston I will check in with my OBGYN to make sure he is in the loop. I figure if there is some kind of question or concern, he’ll let me know.

Pack Accordingly
Sure, you need all your typical supplies, toiletries and clothes. But when you’re pregnant, there is a whole slew of items to add to your packing list. Make sure you watch out for an upcoming post on what to pack when you’re pregnant, but for now I will share that you should also bring any medications for nausea and other symptoms your OBGYN has prescribed, a letter from your doctor confirming your due date and that you are fit to fly if you are traveling by air after 28 weeks (most airlines require this to allow you on the plane), and travel insurance documents, just in case.
Make sure to check out my packing essentials and then grab my packing list below.
Consider the Time of Year
Depending on how far along in your pregnancy you are, whether or not your pregnancy is considered a “high-risk” pregnancy, and the time of year you are pregnant, this will be a huge influence on where you go for your babymoon. For those who are high-risk, you are going to want to stay close to home. If you can go in that second-trimester sweet spot and want to warm up during winter, island destinations like St. Lucia and St. Martin are ideal. You can find plenty of travel inspiration with my travel guides.
Don’t Plan Too Much
Not going to lie, it pained me to write the header above as I love to cram my vacations with activities. But just like your doctor will tell you to rest, take naps, and don’t get overly stressed in your daily life, the same goes for any excursions. I will tell you from personal experience, it is the worst when you plan a bunch of fun things to do and you feel too tired or sick to enjoy them. Instead, just book a few things – you can always add to your itinerary if you’re feeling up to it!

Let your Destination Know your Status
Just like a honeymoon, hotels will usually pull out all the stops when they know a couple is celebrating an impending arrival. So when you book your accommodations, check to see if a babymoon package is offered. Even if that isn’t an option, call ahead to inform the front desk that you are expecting and then enjoy the spoils of your situation!
Now that you know how to plan a babymoon, it’s time to do the fun part and book your trip! And if you have any questions, you can always DM me!

[…] Planning a babymoon or traveling for work while pregnant? As we all know, packing for a trip can be a lot of work, even if you love all of the travel prep work. When you are pregnant, there is a whole slew of other items you need to make sure you have with you at all times. Here are the 10 things you need to bring with you on vacation when you’re pregnant: […]