As a little kid, I loved Valentine’s Day. I would make the most elaborate mailboxes by decorating my lunch sack with stickers and markers and prop it on the side of my desk at school to receive little cards and treats from my classmates during our Valentine’s Day party. When I came home, my mom would have a card and a special yummy dessert waiting for us. It didn’t get much better than that.

As I got older and you were no longer required to give everyone in the class a Valentine because we didn’t have school parties, popularity dictated what you received. So, as the class weirdo, the day became less appealing to me. But my mom still gave us cards and made us dessert. At the time, it really didn’t help me feel any less unpopular than I already was. But looking back, keeping up that after-school tradition really did make me feel special.

When I started dating Alex, Valentine’s Day took on a new meaning. Beautiful roses would show up at my dorm, then my office. They still show up every February 14th, and the bouquets seem to grow larger and larger each year, making me feel so special even 15 years into our relationship. We’ve always enjoyed a romantic date night to celebrate the holiday, but this year we’ll be celebrating at home as a family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And speaking of family, I’m carrying on my mom’s tradition (which, by the way, she’s expanded to include both of her sons-in-law and now her granddaughter) by giving a little gift and card to my little girl, My Funny Valentine. And of course, she’ll have something special for a yummy treat.

What are some of your Valentine’s Day traditions? And if you’re still looking for ideas on what to do today, check out my Valentine’s Day date ideas and what to wear!

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