I love fast fashion as much as the next person, but there is something to be said for a quality handbag. Many of my favorite purses I’ve purchased at consignment stores or vintage boutiques. Depending on the designer, you may be able to score a deal on a unique piece that will last you for years to come. Keep reading for the best tips for buying vintage handbags.
Think about What You’re Looking For
Before you start shopping, you must do your research to know what you’re looking for. What brands do you prefer? Chanel? Dior? YSL? Hermes? What do you plan to use the bag for? Will this be an evening bag or a daily tote? While sometimes you’ll walk into a store and spot a rare gem without even thinking about it, it’s helpful to have some kind of idea not only of what you like, but also what you should expect to pay for it.
Shop at Reputable Stores
When you’re shopping for vintage purses, only patronize stores that have a good reputation for selling authentic vintage items. There are many online and brick-and-mortar stores that sell vintage purses, so do your research and find a store that you trust.

Inspect the Purse Carefully
Before you buy, it is imperative that you take the time to inspect a purse carefully, inside and out, for any damage or wear and tear. If you see any marks, be sure to ask the seller about it and push for a discount on the price.
Ask questions
If you’re not sure about something, don’t be afraid to ask. The seller should be able to answer any questions you have about the purse, such as the brand, style, and condition. If they dodge your inquiries, it may be time to walk away.

Be Prepared to Bargain
This tip will either add to the fun of your shopping experience, or it may cause dread. I don’t like to bargain and many shops consider it rude to try and haggle. But there are many sellers who are willing to negotiate on price and as much as I don’t love talking money, I do love a good deal. Feel out the situation and see if you can gently nudge the price lower.
Trust your gut
If you don’t feel comfortable with a purse, whether it’s that you aren’t sure about the seller or you question its authenticity, don’t buy it. There are many other vintage purses and reputable stores out there, so don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal that doesn’t feel right.

Have fun
If you’re anything like me, you love the thrill of the hunt for that special piece. After all, shopping for vintage purses should be fun! Enjoy the process of finding something unique. And don’t forget to show off your new purse!
What are your best tips for buying vintage designer handbags?
And if you’re traveling abroad, make sure you read all about why you should buy your designer handbags overseas!

[…] few weeks ago I shared my tips on buying vintage handbags. One of my favorite things to do is find a great buy, but it can be especially exciting when I find […]