31 Days. 31 Costumes. I call it, “The Costume Challenge.”
This will actually be my fourth year doing the challenge, but only my second year recounting it on my blog. Here is what it entails:
Every day of the month of October I will post pictures of Arielle in different costumes to my Instagram stories.
This may sound like an expensive venture, but most of the time I employ pieces of clothing, props, and accessories that I already have lying around to create a costume. Other times people have been generous enough to give us costumes (and that’s been happening more frequently since I started this tradition).
Either way, I’m always pretty proud of how it comes out. You’re actually getting a peek of this year’s Costume #1 – Paul Revere!

Last year I upped the ante by shooting almost all of my costumes “on location.” This year I’m going to try and include a video element for each costume. Needless to say, I have some amazing things planned! I hope that you will follow along with me on my Instagram stories. And you can also check out past year’s costumes here!

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