With an almost 2-year-old in the house who has discovered the joy of playing in the dirt and eating chocolate, we do a ton of laundry in the house. But I’ve learned that no matter how many times you wash something, there comes a time when it won’t come clean. We recently replaced our cranberry red towels in our bathroom with light taupe ones. And I realized that if I wanted to keep them clean, I had to find something else to remove my makeup. So I made one simple change that up-leveled my skincare routine – and saved my towels!
I bought a black face cloth. That’s it. I use it every time I wash my face and I never have to look at makeup marks on my new taupe towels. You can find them at any home goods or department store. I love this set that’s on sale at Target. Or if you want something cute, try this set from Amazon.
It’s been one of my best purchases of 2021 and I hope it will add to your beauty routine!

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