Spring is finally blooming in New England and I am feeling the itch to get outdoors. Here are a few things that I am looking forward to this season, my Spring bucket list.
Plant our Garden and Watch the Flowers Grow
Right now daffodils and tulips are popping up all over our front yard. At the end of May we’ll plant our vegetable garden and Arielle has her own little flower box where we planted wildflowers last year and we plan on doing something similar this year. I just loved watching her with her little watering can, tending to them. When they finally bloomed the look of pride on her face was just so cute.

Visit the Tulips
Speaking of watching the flowers grow, we loved visiting Wicked Tulips down near Wickford, RI. I’ve been checking the farm’s website daily to see when we can start planning our visit this April because Arielle was talking about it for weeks after – and to be honest, so were we!

Enjoy our Easter
Last Halloween and Christmas were the first holidays that Arielle really understood something special was happening. So this Easter should be very interesting, especially since she loves little furry creatures. I have a feeling the Easter Bunny is going to be a big hit in our house.

Take a Day Trip
Last spring and summer we took so many day trips to some of my favorite spots North of Boston. We definitely have some ideas for new destinations for quick trips this year. I know we hope to return to Newport, RI, but that might be for an overnight or weekend trip.
Enjoy Days at the Park with Arielle
We are so lucky that we live right off a beautiful lake that is perfect for getting some air, with a playground and park right on the shore. Last summer the playground become one of Arielle’s favorite destinations so I’m looking forward to afternoons chasing her around, then maybe taking a walk around the lake once she’s tuckered out.

Celebrate Mother’s Day
Arielle was born a few weeks after Mother’s Day in 2019, so my first two Mother’s Days have been spent mostly in quarantine. This year I’m hoping that we can do something a little more exciting but in the end, just being with my little family will make me happy.
Am I the only one feeling a spring in my step lately (pun intended)? What’s on your Spring bucket list?

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